Friday, August 16, 2013

Knucklehead Discussion Questions

After reading Knucklehead, answer the  following discussion questions:

1. Do you think that Knucklehead is a good or a bad name for this book?  Is knucklehead meant as an insult or a  compliment in this book?
2. Jim and John have to share a bedroom.  Do you share your bedroom with a sibling?  What is good or bad  about sharing a room?

3.  Jon’s mom taught the boys how to cook, read, and make decorations.  What have your parents taught you to do?

4.  What is your favorite story that Jon told?

5. Do you think that Jon’s parents or brothers would tell the same stories?  Do you think that the stories would still be funny?

6.  These are all true stories of Jon’s life growing up in the 1950’s.  Do you think that that he would have done the same types of things in the 2010’s?

7.  If you were writing a memoir (or autobiography) of your life right now, what kind of stories would you tell?

The Cricket in Time Square Discussion Questions


After reading The Cricket in Times Square, answer the following discussion questions:

1. How does Mario find Chester?  What does Mario do when he finds Chester?

2.  What is Chester’s special talent?

3. Why does Mama Bellini change her mind about Chester?

4 Why does Chester decide to retire?  Which is more important to you-being famous or being happy?

5.  What do you think will happen to the Bellinis when Chester leaves?

6. Do you think that the characters are happier at the end of the story than they were in the beginning?

7.  Who is your favorite character?  Why?

For more adventures of Chester Cricket, check out:

2. Tucker’s Countryside
3. Harry Cat’s Pet Puppy
4. Chester Cricket’s Pigeon Ride
5. Chester Cricket’s New Home
6. Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse
7. The Old Meadow

Poppy and Rye Discussion Questions


After you have read Poppy and Rye, answer the following discussion questions:

1.  Clover has 63 children.  Would you like that many brothers and sisters?  Why would this be good or bad?

2.  How are Ragweed and his brother, Rye, different?  Alike?  Do you have a brother or sister?  Are you alike or  different?

3.  How does Thistle describe Rye?  Do you think this is true?  How would your family describe you?

4.  The motto of the beavers is “Progress Without Pain”.  Do you think that this is true in the story?  What about in real life?

If you would like to read the rest of the series, try:
1. Ragweed
2. Poppy
3. Ereth’s Birthday
4. Poppy’s Return
5. Poppy and Ereth

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer 2013 Titles

This summer we're pulling out the stops.  Pick any title that we have done in the past, read it, and answer the questions.  Questions can be answered online or be emailed to "kidsread at".

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Smile Discussion Questions

After you have read Smile by Raina Telgemeier, answer the following discussion questions:
1.  Smile is shelved in our junior graphic novel area, which means that it uses pictures to help tell the story.  Would this book have been better or worse without the pictures?
2.  Do you think that this story takes place in 2013?  What are some clues that tells you when Smile takes place?  (For example, no cell phones.)
3.  How do you feel about Raina's friends?  What would you do if your friends treated you this way?
4.  Raina is disappointed with how her teeth look when her braces are removed.  Why does she think she looks weird?  How do her new friends react?  What would her old friends have said?
5.  Why do you think that Raina Telgemeier called this book Smile?
If you liked Smile, check out Drama, also by Raina Telgemeier.